Sunday, September 03, 2006


From the "did you know" corner...
Interweave which produces such cool knitting stuff has a yearly issue devoted exclusively to crochet! How did I discover this exciting info.? Well, I went into my LYS and in the course of my musings about yarn for the International Scarf Exchange, heard from the owner: "This just came in. It's not even on the shelf yet. What to take a look." Words of doom! I not only bought this year's issue but also one of the back issues she helpfully provided for my perusal. :-D She may not be "Sir Patrick the Enabler", however, she didn't do a bad job of getting me to spend money when I hadn't intended to spend a dime...
Into the idea stash the magazines went to be oohed and ahhed over later. After I finish grading summer reading assignments. (I DO have SOME willpower!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I picked up the same issue yesterday, myself :D I can understand why crocheters get so frustrated. Knitters may have to deal with a crochet pattern every now and then, but I saw a pattern that was half knit and half crochet in that magazine.

Was it Beverly? She got me for the summer Rowan, when I had only gone in there for the Fall Rowan, the new Rebecca (which I didn't like) and some needles. I walked out with both Rowans, that IC magazine, and the needles. So I guess I didn't do too bad. Two items I went there for, two I didn't. That's an improvement over last time!