Thursday, December 28, 2006

Preparing for the Future

I saw this on Kat's blog and thought it was an interesting way of looking back at the year that had passed before stepping into the new one.

Take the first line of the first blog entry for each month of the year and list it out. I haven't be bloging for a year yet so seven months will have to do. :-D

JUNE: My first blog!
JULY: Version 2 of the Pi Shawl was born yesterday and has grown to a whopping 10 and 1/2 inches in diameter.
AUGUST: Come to the Boston Common for the Knit and Crochet Out!
SEPTEMBER: Meet my new crochet basket.
OCTOBER: Thank you to the twenty or so people who offered an opinion on which stitch would make a better scarf.
NOVEMBER: A fine time was had by all at the Grand View!
DECEMBER: A string - wool, cotton, soy, silk, acrylic

Interesting, no? Wishing all a happy and healthy new year!

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