Saturday, April 14, 2007


Here at last is a progress picture of the ISE4 scarf I am making. A big thank you to Gina who suggested I give up on getting a good picture of both pattern and yarn. Her solution? Show off the pattern in silhouette. A bright sunny window and viola!
I have dubbed this scarf "Windows on the World". It just delights me to imagine the knitters and crocheters who are part of the International Scarf Exchange waving hello from each of the open fillet windows! I can even see them holding up their most recent WIPs and FOs to show to each other. It makes me grin.
The pattern comes from The Crochet and Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. Great book which I highly recommend. So at this point the scarf consists of 22 six row pattern repeats and will need about 11 more to be considered done. Of course, it also needs a border so that the edges will be straight. I'm thinking a simple round of single crochet in the same yarn will do the trick and not detract from the pattern.
And pal if you are lurking out there:
Stitch by stitch and row by row
I watch this creation grow.
In a warm smile's glow
I'll send it off to you!
(Of course you'll have to wait until I finish!)
Enough cheesy for today. Have a great weekend all!


NH Knitting Mama said...

Wow, that picture is fantastic. I hope you're bringing for show and tell tonight!

Jackie said...

Perfect! I love how it's coming along.

Emma said...

I saw your scarf on the blog. It's a lovely thing, and I'm sure your pal will love it!

Lora said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! Now that's an awesome picture. Really shows off the pattern well! Wish I was your pal in this exchange.

Lapdog Creations said...

Great scarf!

gemma said...

The scarf is perfect, the way the dark patches diagonally slope across the blocks. Lovely, hope its mine :)

Gina House said...

Absolutely gorgeous!